Company Profile

Company Profile

Address of Head Office 5-8-17, Shioe, Amagasaki-city, Hyogo 661-0976
TEL +81-6-6429-6144
FAX +81-6-6429-0016
Founded July 1925
Established September 20, 1971
Capital 41.6million yen
Representative Chairman: Osamu Yoshida
President: Yojiro Yoshida

Business Description

Voltage detectors Low Voltage Detectors, Medium Voltage Detectors, High Voltage Detectors, Various Other AC and DC Detectors, and Other Auxiliary Devices for Voltage Detection, Voltage Detector Checker
Phase testers Low Voltage Phase Testers, Medium Voltage Phase Testers, High Voltage Phase Testers
Relays Bus Relays, Ground-Fault Relays, Ground-Fault Overvoltage Relays, High Voltage Ground-Fault Relays, Short-Circuit Relays, DC Ground Fault Relays, etc.
Current transformers Zero-Phase Current Transformers, Current Transformer for Power
Grounding transformers Low Voltage Grounding Transformers, High Voltage Grounding Transformers
Measuring instrument-related ωC Measuring Instruments, etc.
Grounding tools Grounding Hook Sticks etc
Other Working Lights, Helmet Lights

Major Clients

Various power companies and related enterprises, various electrical safety associations, various electric construction firms, various companies related to Japan Railways and private railways, NTT, electronic material trading firms, etc.