Privacy policy

HASEGAWA ELECTRIC CO., LTD. takes the utmost care to protect personal information that identifies or identifies you, such as your name and address, which is important to us.
Therefore, in order to ensure the safe management of personal information, we have established a protection policy regarding the handling of personal information. Please read the details below.

1.Purpose of use of personal information

The purposes of use of personal information acquired by the Company shall be as follows.

1-1.To deliver products, catalogs, etc. ordered or requested by customers.
1-2.For our contracted agents to conduct sales promotion of our products.
1-3.To provide information and confirm details essential to our products and services.
1-4.To provide information on events, etc. hosted by or exhibited at our company.
1-5.To provide services and information that we believe will be useful to you.
1-6.To request opinions and feedback and to report the results of such requests.
1-7.To process data that cannot be used to identify individuals and to prepare statistical data and research materials.
1-8.When it is necessary to contact or provide information to customers for any other reason.
1-9.Other matters closely related to the above

If we need to use your personal information for purposes other than those stated above, we will contact you in advance and obtain your prior consent before using the information.

2.Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

Personal information provided by customers will not be disclosed to third parties except in the following cases.
We will not disclose your personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

2-1. When the customer agrees.
2-2. When disclosing data that has been processed into data that cannot be used to identify individuals.
2-3. When disclosing information to subcontractors as necessary to respond to customer inquiries or to provide services.
2-4. When we entrust our affiliated companies or contracted agents to respond to customer inquiries.
2-5. When required or permitted by laws and regulations.

3.Management of Information

We will practice this policy with respect to the protection of your personal information and manage it appropriately in accordance with the intent of the Personal Information Protection Law (“Act on the Protection of Personal Information in Japan,” enacted on April 1, 2005).

4.Contact us.

If you wish to request disclosure, correction, addition, suspension of use, or deletion of your personal information held by us, please contact us directly at the contact point below.