●Terms and Conditions of Use

・Although we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, we do not guarantee the accuracy, usefulness, certainty, or any other aspect of the content of this website.
・The Company reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue the information published on this Web site without notice.
・We shall not be liable for any damages incurred by you as a result of your use of this Web site.

●About Copyright

・Copyrights to this website and the individual texts, photographs, videos, illustrations, audio, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Contents") on this website belong to the Company, the original authors, or other right holders.
・Except for printing, saving, etc. for personal use or other use permitted by copyright law, any reproduction, public transmission, alteration, deletion, uploading, posting, distribution, licensing, sale, or publication (including reproduction on your website) of the Content without the permission of the Company, the original author, or other right holders is prohibited by copyright law. Therefore, you are requested to contact us in advance to obtain our prior written permission.
・Please note that the Company reserves the right to refuse use of the Website if it contains portraits, third-party copyrighted materials, trademarks, etc., or if the Company deems the use of the Website inappropriate.

●Trademark rights

The logos and other trademarks and trade names of our products appearing on this website are the property of our rights. Except as permitted under the Trademark Law, Unfair Competition Prevention Law, or other applicable laws, any use of these trademarks or trade names without our permission is prohibited.

●About Links

When linking to our website, please observe and pay attention to the following points.
・When linking to our web site, please make sure to specify that the screen changes completely or a new window opens to display our web site on the user's monitor. Please note that linking to our website within a frame may infringe on our copyrights and other intellectual property rights, and may also constitute an act of unfair competition.
・Please note that the contents or URL of this website may be changed, discontinued, or deleted without prior notice.

Links from the following types of websites are strictly prohibited.
・Websites that include content that defames or slanders the Company, its products or services, or damages the credibility of the Company or its products or services
・Websites offensive to public order and morals
・Websites that charge for content
・Websites that may affect the user's side of the system

Websites other than those listed above that are deemed not to be properly operated.

●Recommended system requirements (software)

We recommend the following browsers for safer and more comfortable use.
・Google Chrome latest version
・Safari latest version
※Adobe Reader is required to view PDF files. Adobe Reader is distributed free of charge by Adobe Systems Incorporated.

●Cookie data

This website uses cookies to provide better service to our customers. A cookie is a piece of information sent to your browser from a server related to the operation of this website and stored on your computer. The information recorded does not contain any personally identifiable information. It will not have any direct adverse effect on your computer.

●Accessed data

This website embeds access data collection tags in order to aggregate the status of customer access. Aggregated access data will be used to improve customer convenience.
Reference Site: https://www.ngkntk.co.jp/terms/